Our History

Our Church History

Founded in July of 1981, True Gospel Ministries grew out of a prayer meeting that God instructed Daniel and Therferm Boone to begin in their home in Lee Hall, Virginia in 1977.

That first prayer meeting found four men and one woman, Sister Boone, in prayer and seeking the will of God.

During their time in prayer at Lee Hall, Virginia, God worked mighty wonders in the Boones’ life and ministry. Many people were saved and their faith strengthened through the bible studies that followed the prayer sessions.

On the occasion of one Saturday night God directed Boone to a home and instructed him to ask the man that lived there if he could conduct a prayer meeting in his home that night. The man consented and was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit that same evening.

The next week Boone was again instructed by God to ask the man if he could again come back to his home. Boone was surprised to find that the man had invited ten other people. God repeated what He had done the previous week.  All ten were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

After this meeting, following God’s instructions, the prayer meeting moved from Lee Hall, VA  to Gates County, NC. During this three year period God moved by His mighty Spirit. People were saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit. Others were delivered from demonic influence, and still others healed of sickness and disease. 

God instructed Boone to name the prayer band True Gospel, according to the word spoken by Jesus: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”-John 8:32 KJV

God told Boone that it was the preaching of His (God’s) ‘true word’,  the teaching of faith and belief, and that holiness is and must be practiced as a way of life that caused Him to honor Boone’s ministry by the moving of His Spirit according to The Scriptures.

In 1981, True Gospel Ministries Free Will Baptist Church was charted and established in Elizabeth City, NC and for two years aired on television. In 1990 the church relocated to Suffolk, VA as True Gospel Ministries. The ministry continued to grow as Boone conducted tent meetings, seminars up and down the east coast, while broadcasting locally on radio and television (1990-1995).

Today True Gospel Ministries is experiencing  a move of God’s Spirit as recorded in the book of Acts. Souls are being saved, lives transformed and changed, cancers healed, addiction spirits cast out, and other great moves of God, as Apostle Boone and True Gospel work to fulfill God’s mandate for him to bring forth the real church.

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True Gospel Ministries